In implementation of Legislative Decree March 10, 2023, No. 24, Simes S.p.A. has equipped itself with the prescribed channels for the reception and management of reports known as “whistleblowing”.
- Shareholders and individuals with administrative, management, control, supervision, or representation functions, even if such functions are exercised as a matter of fact, within one of the aforementioned Companies;
- Subordinate workers, trainees, self-employed workers, freelancers, and consultants who provide their services to one of the aforementioned Companies;
- Individuals who have held the roles mentioned above in the past, if information about violations has been acquired during the relationship, and individuals with whom the relationship has not yet arisen – for example, job applicants or employees during the probationary period.
The list is very detailed and complex. For completeness, please refer to Legislative Decree 24/2023.
Toll-free number: 800 - 231 - 670
The call is recorded
Email address1: simes_whistleblowing@complegal.it
The reporter also has the right to request a direct meeting with a professional external to the company, who manages the channel to submit the report in a confidential conversation; it is sufficient to make the request through one of the two channels mentioned above, leaving contact information to be reached.
1 To protect the confidentiality of the reporter, if the same wishes not to consent to the disclosure of their identity, written reports must be sent from personal email addresses, not corporate ones (therefore, it is necessary to avoid sending reports from email addresses on the company's domain).